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Well Building

Only 45% of people in our area have sufficient water – clean or dirty – for their basic needs, which is amongst the lowest in the world.


Water is essential to survival but people are being forced to leave their hamlets and villages, even where there is better land or pasture, simply due to lack of water.

Drawing water from the well at Bapene

A Well-digger coming up from a new well

All the well management and building work is carried out by local communities. Joliba funds only the cost of the building materials, technical support and hygiene training.

Cattle trough at a village well. Without water, livestock cannot be kept.

A well literally brings life and completely transforms a village. The benefits to people’s lives and economy are too numerous to list, but some examples are:

  • A family can eat more than one meal a day. In some villages without wells, women and their children are too busy collecting water all day to have time to prepare food until the evening

  • The children can go to school because sufficient water can be collected without their help

  • People can build mud-brick houses, instead of straw ones, which are not weatherproof and are liable to burn down

  • Many disabling diseases such as bilharzia, dysentery, eye diseases and leprosy are prevented with clean water

  • People can keep livestock. Animals are an invaluable resource and provide vital manure for the poor soils. It is impossible to grow crops without manure

  • Women are not worn out and suffering from joint disorders from carrying heavy loads long distances by the time they are 30

  • Women can have time for useful and income-raising activities


Please click here if you would like to help fund this work. Thank you.

Benediction of village elders to the builders of their new well

Whatever you give will make a big difference.

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